Get in Touch
several ways to connect and get your questions answered
1376 W. Woodbine Rd
Fawn Grove, PA 17321
mail only; please no drop-ins
Drop a line...
Want to Work Together?
Sigi designs natural buildings primarily in the mid-Atlantic & Northeast regions (including DC, MD, VA, WV, DE, PA, & NJ).
If you want to explore working together:
I'll send you my Vision Worksheet to fill out online. The worksheet helps you articulate your project scope and helps me ensure that your goals are in alignment with my skills.
Have a Natural Building Question?
The 3 best ways to get them answered are...

Try the search bar...I may have already written about your question on my website.

Connect on social media...I post something informative and inspiring every day and love to answer your questions.

Join the Talking Natural Homes group on facebook. By far the best managed forum I know of...where you can ask natural building questions and get answers from experts around the world, including me.