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Natural Paint & Plaster Overview

Before there were companies that made and sold building materials, people made  

their own paints and plasters.  It was part of common knowledge.  And in many  

cases, these older paint & plaster recipes are superior to what we purchase today.   

Natural coatings use a variety of non-toxic ingredients to make beautiful, durable,  

and incredibly forgiving finishes that invite experimentation and creativity.  Recipes  

vary depending on the performance needs and locally available ingredients.   


All paints and plaster have a key characteristic in common: they all  

contain some type of sticky binder.  Precisely that stickiness explains why they  

adhere to surfaces, like walls and ceilings.  And the binder is what creates a cohesive  

monolithic material.  The binder is often what gives each natural coating it's name:  

clay plaster, lime-wash, egg paint, etc.


The difference between paint and plaster is thickness.  Paints are micro-

thin coatings, while plaster has a measurable thickness.  Paints are applied with a  

brush or roller in thin layers.  Plaster is applied with a spreading cream  

cheese on a bagel.  Because paints are applied thinly, they are inherently less viscous,  

while plasters are generally stiffer.


Paints & plasters are coatings, applied over an existing substrate.  They are not wall  

systems.  They are not structural.  They are coatings.  Used to create color and  

texture.  Which makes natural paints & plasters simple to integrate into any  

building...existing or new construction.






Best Use

Natural paints & plasters are extremely versatile and can be used on new construction or to renovate existing buildings.There is a natural coating suitable for most common applications...from exterior render to interior finishes...even inside a shower!  Natural paints & plasters can be made yourself or purchased ready-to-use.  So no matter your project goals, you can incorporate natural finishes!
icory clay plaser and aqua tadelakt

ivory clay plaster & aqua tadelakt (polished lime) over strawbale walls

lime plaster with yellow iron oxide pigment

lime plaster with yellow iron oxide pigment remains durable with weather exposure

Cheat Sheet



Binders for paints include: clay, lime, casein (milk protein), egg yolks, egg whites, and more.

Binders for plaster include: clay, lime, gypsum, and more.



A variety of other ingredients can augment the aesthetics or performance of natural paints & plasters.  Such as:  pigment, wheat paste, aggregate (sand), mica, chopped fiber, cattail fluff, cow or horse manure, etc.


free of petrochemicals
less energy to make
breathable (do not trap moisture)
inexpensive ingredients
very doable for novices

use in place of conventional paint or plaster
(making sure the substrate is compatible with the binder)

Read the glossary description here.

clay plaster over cov walls and clay paint

clay plaster over cob walls and clay paint to create a game board on the floor

tadelakt, a moroccan method for burnishing and sealing lime plaster

close-up of tadelakt, a Moroccan method for burnishing and sealing lime plaster

What's in Paint?

Because paints are applied in thin layers, they do not generally need extra

ingredients to give them structure.  In other words, paint is made up of just three

simple ingredients:


1.    Binder: this is the glue that holds the paint together and to the surface

2.    Pigment: color added to the paint (this is usually the point of painting)

3.    Solvent: whatever is used to thin the consistency of the paint (for many

natural paints, the solvent is water)


All three ingredients need to be compatible with each other and with the surface

they will be applied to.  For example, some binders, such as lime, are highly alkaline

and so require pigments that will stay color-stable in high alkalinity.  To determine

compatibility, simply paint a test area, let it dry, and see if it is easy to peel off.


What's in Plaster?

Because plasters are thick, and many binders shrink when they dry or cure, you

need to add aggregate and/or fiber to give them structure and to mitigate cracking. 

This means you have four potential ingredients to play with, and endless possibilities

on what you create with them.


1.    Binder: this is the glue that binds your plaster to the surface and creates a

cohesive material

2.    Aggregate: fine or coarse construction-grade sand that gives the plaster

structure, strength, and shrinkage control

3.    Fiber: an integral web of fiber inside the plaster provides resistance to

cracking and allows plaster to defy gravity (and be applied thickly)

4.    Pigment: color added to the plaster


All ingredients need to be compatible with each other and with the surface they will

be applied to.  The specific ratios of each ingredient depends on the binder, how thick

your application is, and your application technique.  So testing is essential to find a

recipe that is suitable for your particular situation.  Additionally, plaster is applied

with a trowel, which means you can use your tools to create any variety of finish

textures in the surface...from rough to polished smooth.



• Natural paints and plasters are non-toxic and free of petrochemicals

• Require very little energy to produce

• Finishes are vapor permeable, aka "breathable" (so do not trap humidity inside your walls)

• Inexpensive ingredients, generally less costly that purchasing manufactured paints or plasters

• Natural and completely biodegradable materials, that create a healthy indoor space

• When you make your own finishes, you control the ingredients (and the health of your space)

• You can make absolutely any color (you just might need to experiment a bit)



• Requires testing with new recipes to ensure compatibility with substrates, as well as overall performance and durability

• Requires test samples to ensure your recipe creates the color and texture you want

• Can be difficult to color match

• Ready-made products can be costly

• It can be intimidating to make your own products when we've been trained to purchase what we need...the solution is to start with something small, something temporary, until you gain your confidence and feel empowered



The single biggest benefit of using natural

paints & plasters is that they use non-

toxic ingredients.  (Unlike commercial

paints that can contain carcinogens,

respiratory toxins, neurotoxins, and other



This is especially true if you make your

own natural paints & plasters.  Then you

control every ingredient.




One misperception is that you compromise

durability with natural finishes.  This

couldn't be farther from the truth.  In fact,

most of the oldest buildings on earth still

only have the original artisan-made paints &

plasters.  So natural paints & plasters

can last centuries if made & applied



Additionally, most natural finishes can be

sealed with breathable clear sealers, such as

hardening oils or beeswax paste, which

increase the hardness and/or washability of

the surface.




Ingredients for natural paints and

plasters cost less than commercial

products.  The list is simple: clay or lime

putty, sand, maybe some pigment.  The total

material cost to paint an average room is

around $15.  To plaster an average room, the

material cost is around $40.


Natural plasters provide additional

potential cost reduction in the form of

energy savings.  Thick plasters add

uniform mass to the interior of a space,

which helps to reduce temperature

fluctuations inside.  Less fluctuation

translates into less heating/cooling time. 

Additionally, clay has the ability to regulate

humidity, which improves comfort and

reduces the need for air conditioning.  (See

also "humidity control".)




Pest/bug infestations are absolutely

not an issue with natural paints &

plasters.  The cured paints & plasters do

not contain any food source nor do they

create a suitable habitat for bugs.

clay plaster details

contrasting blue and brown clay plaster details

clay plasters create healthy spaces

clay plasters create healthy spaces

burnished lime plaster with green pic=gment really reflects life

burnished lime plaster with green pigment really reflects life!

natural plasters beg to be touched

natural plasters beg to be touched

yellow iron oxide in a white clay plaster smoothed around a sculpted clay railing


Natural finishes are not inherently

flammable.  Plasters in particular are akin

to a stone finish in terms of flammability.  In

code-speak, they are designated as "non-

combustible materials" in accordance with

ASTM E136.


Natural paints & plasters do not foster

smoke development in a fire.  Nor do they

release toxic chemicals in case of fire

(because there are no toxic chemical



Plasters do not change the fire resistance of

the wall itself,  However, a thick plaster

finish slows the transfer of heat through a

wall.  By thickness, 1/2" thick plaster slows

fire development by 1/2 hour, 1" thick

plaster slows by 1 hour, etc.





Any material that stays persistently damp

can support mold growth.  And any

biodegradable material that remains damp

will begin to decay in place.


Clay plasters in particular are hygroscopic. 

This means they tend to absorb moisture

when an excess is present.  In your space,

this means clay plaster will absorb moisture

out of the air any time the relative humidity

exceeds 50%.  It then releases the humidity

when the air is dry (less than 50%).  Thus

clay plaster regulates the humidity

inside a space, keeping you



The example I like to share is this:

When you take a hot shower in a

conventional space, the steam condenses on

any mirrors, fogging them up.  In a

bathroom that has clay plaster walls, the

mirror does not fog up from your shower.


Note that the clay is not getting wet! 

The humidity absorption/release is never

felt as a change in the dampness of your

plasters.  The clay can absorb gallons and

gallons of water without any perceptible

change to the surface of your walls.





The ingredient list is short: 3 for paint & 4

for plaster.  This means getting started is

fast & unintimidating.  And playing with

the infinite possibilities is inevitable...

yellow iron oxide in a white clay plaster, smoothed around a sculpted clay railing

clay plaster over cob walls and clay paint to create a game board on the floor


close-up of tadelakt, a Moroccan method for burnishing and sealing lime plaster


What can I plaster?

Natural plasters can be applied to nearly any substrate.  What you need are 3

characteristics for your wall:


1. Rigidity - this means the wall surface does not flex or flake, and does not show signs of movement cracks.  A wall that is not rigid results in cracking plaster.  If the wall is highly flexible, you will need to add rigidity.  If there is any material that is flaking or dusting, it needs to be removed, and any holes would be patched.  And if there are movement cracks, the structure should be stabilized before plastering.


2. Texture - this means you need a lot of surface area for the plaster to interface with, because the plaster is heavy and needs a gripping surface to hang off the wall.  Texture can be as simple as applying paint with coarse sand in it (if your plaster will be thin).  Or it can be wooden lath that is spaced to create a grip for plaster to key in to.


3. Absorbency - ok, this on is technically optional, but it's highly beneficial.  An absorbent surface allow small amounts of binder to actually pull into the wall substrate.  This creates an even stronger bond between the plaster and the wall below.


Then test your plaster on the surface you want to apply to.  This way you can ensure the

plaster is compatible before you commit to a large area.  And don't forget to dampen your

wall before plastering if it is absorbent!


Examples of surfaces compatible with clay or lime based plasters: wood lath, drywall with

sandy paint applied, strawbales, clay walls, unpainted concrete or block...and on and on...






Other fun stuff

My niece is a project girl, through-and-through.  Once when she came to visit, we pulled out some milk and set it in the sun to curd.  We strained the curd and added water and

pigments and voila! we had made milk paint.  With a small collection of pigments, she could mix any color her heart to dream up.  I think we spent 3 hours painting at the dining table.  And at the end she said "we should do this every time I visit".


And that is the beauty of natural paints.  They are easy.  Fun.  All-natural.  Stress-free. 

Non-toxic.  And addictive!

close-up of tadelakt, a Moroccan method for burnishing and sealing lime plaster

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