You dream of building a natural home. Something
super energy efficient and healthy. A home that is
well-designed and space efficient. That you can help
construct, because the methods are easy to learn.
But your budget doesn't include hiring an architect
and you've never built a home before! You would
love to have support getting started. Support that
continues through the whole construction process.
We have a great option for you!
We offer natural building plans that come with the
same support tools developed for our custom design
clients. You get detailed drawings that comply with
U.S. building codes. Plus you can access online tools
to help with the many decisions you'll make & the
natural building components of your home.
Every plan integrates natural materials: straw, clay, wood, stone. And includes instructions & support for construction methods.
Each plan is designed with passive solar strategies and high insulation, which means you use very little energy to stay comfortable.
All house designs minimize site disturbance and outline stormater control strategies to reduce environmental impacts.
You get more out of each square foot of when storage is integrated, spaces are multi-functional, and you flow without hallways.
I promise never ever to sell or share any of your
contact info with anyone. Ever.
I promise never ever to sell or share any of
your contact info with anyone. Ever.
We are finalizing the
finishing touches for
our strawbale plans &
support tools.
We expect to have them available
in early 2020. If you would like
an email letting you know when
the plans are available, click here: